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Self control plane amusement equipment, emergency malfunction, how to do?

1.Self control plane in the operation of a sudden power failure, the cockpit can not drop, the attendant should quickly open the manual valve drain, the high-altitude passengers down to the ground.
Such as not power failure, the valve can not be reversed due to failure, you can also use this approach to passengers to the ground.

2.Self control plane in the operation of abnormal vibration, to immediately press the emergency stop button, cut off the main circuit to disconnect the power, the passengers evacuated, after checking the troubleshooting, and then boot.

3.When the cockpit of self-control plane is abnormal or cockpit is tilted or the cockpit is broken somewhere, press the emergency stop button immediately to lower the cockpit. At the same time, tell the passengers not to panic by radio. The hand should grasp the safety handrail.

In addition, in daily operations, we should pay attention to inspection and maintenance, and in the purchase, strict quality control, check the purchase of appropriate amusement equipment.

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